
The European Summit in Prague

EUROPE 23 Sep 2017 by
Picture: The European Summit in Prague

It was kind of the finale of quite a tour this September. The European Summit in Prague was the last webmaster show of a row that started with the Webmaster Access in Amsterdam, then the XBIZ Berlin.

In Prague several dozen companies presented themselves and their services at the show floor of the Diplomat Hotel. There were also a bunch of seminar rooms constantly occupied with panels that addressed about 80 different topics. With more than 1000 participants, the event was really busy and packed with networking opportunities.

The side entertainment started with the traditional Czech Dinner and ended with a party evening at the hotel. The Czech Dinner was as always exceptional. If someone walked home hungry (or thirsty) then he did something wrong. Next to the food, there were also several entertainment parts, like live music or striptease. Along the other nights there were more events, hosted by the sponsors, some were open to all attendants, others by invitation only.

The next European Summit will take place next spring in Portugal. This instead of the traditional gathering in Sitges, Spain.

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