The ETO Show in Birmingham has a long standing and is the number one address for all adult trade businesses in the UK. It's where shops meet distributors and get to see what's new on the market from manufacturers.
Now in 2017 things will be different: It has been cancelled. Before it came to that decision, the organisers had a plan to move away from the traditional NEC Pavillion in Birmingham to a more affordable location. Also a reduction to one day was on the table. But even that could not convince some key exhibitors to commit to participate, according to the ETO Magazine. And without the support of these exhibitors there is no sense to stage the event. Brexit and the impact on the British Pound seemed to be a large factor in the exhibitors indecisiveness.
As of now it's unclear what will happen in 2018. ETO publisher Lee Schofield said, they will come up with a new proposition.