
A first timer: The i-con Conference in Cyprus

EUROPE 03 Jul 2023 by
Picture: A first timer: The i-con Conference in Cyprus

The inaugural i-con Conference recently concluded in Limassol, Cyprus, bringing together industry professionals and enthusiasts from various sectors of the online space. The two-day event was held at the magnificent "City Of Dreams" casino resort hotel and featured an engaging show floor alongside informative seminars and speeches. In this report, we will delve into the key highlights and provide an overview of the conference's strengths and areas for improvement.

Attendance and Organization

The i-con Island Conference saw the participation of several hundred attendees, predominantly from Europe and Cyprus. This diverse mix of professionals contributed to a vibrant atmosphere and facilitated networking opportunities. The conference's organization was commendable, with smooth logistics and efficient management, ensuring a seamless experience for participants throughout the event.

One aspect that fell short of expectations was the lack of affiliate marketers at the conference. Unlike other industry conferences where affiliates often gain free or discounted access, i-con required all attendees to purchase tickets. This approach may have deterred some affiliates from participating, resulting in a limited representation from this vital segment of the affiliate marketing community. Encouraging affiliate attendance should be a priority for future editions of i-con, in particular since they claim to bring the "Affiliate Marketing Events To The Next Level!".

Except for some locally hired photographers, there was none of the usual event press visible. Also Adult Industry Events was not recognized as media outlet and required to buy a regular ticket.

Seminars and Speeches

One of the noteworthy features of i-con was the inclusion of informative seminars and speeches. Industry experts delivered valuable insights and knowledge, covering a wide range of relevant topics. Attendees had the opportunity to gain new perspectives, learn about emerging trends, and enhance their understanding of online business strategies. The content provided during these sessions proved to be valuable for both newcomers and seasoned professionals.

Parties and Social Events

While the conference offered exciting parties, it is worth noting that registration was required due to limited space at outside venues. Unfortunately, this meant that not everyone was able to attend these gatherings, specially the ones that decided on short notice to attend i-con. That somewhat restricted the social experience for some participants. Also it was a bit uncomfortable that the events were about 20 minutes away from the hotel and no transportation was organized. Future iterations of the conference could consider alternative solutions to ensure inclusivity while managing the demand for these events.

Venue and Amenities

The choice of the brand new "City Of Dreams" casino resort hotel as the venue for i-con was a highlight in itself. It was still in soft opening phase during i-con, so not everything was perfect--for example being woken up by drilling noise in the morning. However, the hotel provided a truly amazing setting for the conference, boasting spacious rooms, a magnificent pool area, excellent and attentive staff and good on-site dining options. Attendees had the opportunity to relax, recharge, and engage with fellow professionals in a luxurious and comfortable environment. And for the gamblers, a lot of winning (or loosing) opportunities at the casino.


The first i-con Conference in Limassol, Cyprus, successfully brought together professionals from various sectors of the adult and mainstream online industry. The event showcased well-organized logistics, informative seminars and speeches, and a breathtaking venue in the form of the "City Of Dreams" casino hotel. While the restricted access to parties and the limited representation of affiliate marketers could be areas for improvement, the overall experience of i-con was positive and promises potential for future editions.

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