The organizers of the legendary Venus erotic show in Berlin seem to catch up with the time. They have just announced that next years Venus has been re-invented and comes in a new shape and with a new logo. They now call it the "Venus Festival".
Not only the current Corona situation but also time itself forces event organizers to come up with new concepts and new ideas. In particular consumer fairs need to come up with more than just a few booths in a row. People want entertainment, they want a happening.
It does not sound like the "new" Venus will be a totally new format, no worries, there will still be boobs and butts. And it will also still happen on the same fair ground, the "Messe am Funkturm" in Germanys capital Berlin. The setup is different though. One of the halls will be like a shopping mall where visitors can discover new lifestyle or sex products. Another hall is called the "Festival Hall" and mainly features stars and shows. A place where camgirls and their fans can meet or kinky shows take place. People can chillout and relax in an area called "Venus Club" with drinks, food, table dance and cool music.
Since the beginning, the Venus fair was also an important place for business. Each year a lot of B2B people from all over the world got together. That's not going to change, actually according to current information, B2B opportunities will even be extended with a particular focus on Asian suppliers and manufacturers. In a seperate B2B area they can present their products and easily get in contact with European buyers.
As a reminder, this years Venus show is cancelled due to the Corona situation. The Venus Festival will therefore take place in 2021, from the 21st to the 24th of October. It will also celebrate its 25th anniversary.